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Choose your membership
Find one that works for you
Platinum Membership
100,000£companies 50M+ revenue, access for 50 employeesValid for 8 weeks- x4 exclusive networking events/keynote speaker opportunities
- webinars/talks with leading sustainability experts
- 8-week programme with sustainability startups
- 1 tailor-made nature positive workshop
- 1 natural capital site visit
- online tailor-made website access to our knowledge platform
Gold Membership
50,000£companies 50M+ revenue, access for 25 employeesValid for 8 weeks- x3 exclusive networking events/keynote speaker opportunities
- webinars/talks with leading sustainability experts
- 8-week programme with sustainability startups
- 1 natural capital site visit
- online tailor-made website access to our knowledge platform
Silver Membership
25,000£companies -50M revenue, access for 15 employeesValid for 8 weeks- x2 exclusive networking events/keynote speaker opportunities
- webinars/talks with leading sustainability experts
- 8-week programme with sustainability startups
- online tailor-made website access to our knowledge platform
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